When Did You Know...He Was Not The One?

A blog by two sisters who are providing an open forum for readers to share when they knew he wasn't the one. All of the topics on this blog are based on their soon to be released book. In bookstores now!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

10 Signs That HE'S Not The One For You...Our Signs On Yahoo

Ten Signs That He's Not the One for You...And That You May Be Headed for a Break-Up
By Judy Bolton and Wendy Bolton Floyd Authors of ‘When Did You Know . . . He Was Not The One?”


At 8:58 PM, Blogger Julie Hibbard said...

When did I know?

When he showed up empty handed.
When he was wearing a gold necklace.
When he left the toilet seat up in my bathroom!
When he had to stop me mid sentence and say, "Wait, who's Willie Mays?"
When he said, "Let me call one of my roommates to see if..." (at 43, I would prefer my dates not have multiple roommates...)
When he he said he loved to spend time with his mother. (Oh come on! Even if you LIKE it, don't tell me that on a date!)
When he said baseball season lasted way too long.
When he said, "I don't really listen to music"
When he said he didn't believe in God.
When he said his real dream was to have a son to take fishing (I am 43 dear, with two grown children...not gonna happen. Can I buy you a Porsche instead?)
When he said he was really still in love with his wife, tho they had been separated for almost a year.
When he said he had a home gym and that he would rather run than anything else in the world. (I can name 10,000 things I would rather do than run.)

This is actually a compilation of the handful of dates I have been on in the last year. I was previously married for 24 years. Yes, 24. When did I know that HE was not the one?? When we were dating. Yep. He was never nice, never happy. Then, not surprisingly, in my attempt to "cheer him up", I became pregnant at 18. Then we were married, two kids by 21 and, 24 years later, I escaped with my computer and my ipod and my one last shred of sanity. (Which, by the way, has miraculously multiplied in the last 25 months.)
I am now living happily ever after...one day at a time and looking for THE one. the REAL one. I am not wasting any time on maybes or mightbes.
I love being alone (for the first time ever!) I love figuring out who I am (for the first time ever!) and I LOVE being in charge of my own destiny (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!)
Would love to chat more with both of you!

At 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When he pressed assault and trespassing charges on me after bringing a "girl" into the home we shared i showed up and you know what happened and mind you myself and the kids had only been gone about a week or so

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When he didn't know how to answer the question on the pre-cana questionaire about whether or not we would have a child.

At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I asked him, over the course of the summer, if we could get together and talk about some things that were important to me and he acted as if he didn't hear me....that is when things started to become clear. But I actaully realized the writing was on the wall when I read your Red Flags. I have experienced every single one of the "Lack of Compassion" items in the past month. He is history.

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I asked him if he was seeing someone else and he said that I should worry my head about such things and proceeded to tell me that there was nothing that he could say that would convince me that he was not cheating; therefore, why should he try?

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call me crazy...
but, what's so bad about a guy who likes to slip on some pantyhose every now and then?
I found that to be shallow...
The other signs are great...why cheapen them with something so passe?


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